
First Production Meeting for Her2!

I’m very excited to have begun creative meetings with the brilliant production team for Maja Ardal‘s new play Her2. This will be my second stint as composer/sound designer for a Nightwood Theatre production. First project: visiting Princess Margaret Hospital to listen for and record as sketch samples specific environmental sounds.

Jennis Gigs Galore!

Jennis are hitting the road! We have gigs lined up all over southern Ontario September-November. We’ll be in TorontoKingstonOttawaPeterboroughBarrieGuelphPaisley and there are more bookings in the works. See my Gigs page for details.

Jennis Album Launch Success!

Dennis Gaumond and I had a fantastic time launching The Current at The Monarch Tavern in Toronto on Friday, May 31 and in Eden Mills on June 6th. Thank you so much to all who came out to support us in the birthing process.

There were folks from many walks of my life and many I didn’t know at all. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as we did. Many thanks to Gary Diggins, Tom Wolf and Vince Maccarone for joining us on stage.

As if Evalyn Parry‘s set wouldn’t have been cool enough solo, she had brilliant Bob Cohen accompanying her on guitar. Welcome to Toronto, Bob! (He’s a recent transplant from Montreal.) Sue Smith was magnificent on the grand piano at Eden Mills!

Thank you so much Sandor Ajzenstat for your fab photos of the Toronto show and Andrea Timar for photos at Eden Mills.  Check the photo album out on our Facebook Page.

I Am DJing A New Ecstatic Dance Event!


Then hang out and enjoy great food at a prix fixe of $20.

Every 1st and 3rd Sunday. $12.

Barefoot, non-verbal, ecstatic dance and then dine (and talk all you want)!

Babaluu is Yorkville’s longstanding, über popular salsa dinner and dance club. Its owner, Nubia Solano, is a lover of ecstatic dance herself and wants to bring it to her gorgeous venue. Nubia will host and I will bring my DJ skills, spinning a dynamic arc stretching far and wide over the world’s musical map. I always close my set with live cello and/or didgeridoo. Move and groove from 4-6pm and stay for dinner afterward.

Check out the great menu at www.babaluu.com.

Click on the poster below to link to the Facebook Event page.

Medicine Groove — New Ecstatic Dance & Dinner Event

Starting May 18th, 2014, I will be DJ for a new ecstatic dance event called Medicine Groove at the legendary Babaluu dinner and dance club in Yorkville. It will be hosted by Babaluu’s owner, the lovely Nubia Solano, and dancers are invited to stay and enjoy a delicious prix fixe dinner afterward. Here are the details:

Then hang out and enjoy great food at a prix fixe of $20.

Every 1st and 3rd Sunday beginning May 18th. $12

Barefoot, non-verbal, ecstatic dance and then dine (and talk all you want)!

Babaluu is Yorkville’s longstanding, über popular salsa dinner and dance club. Its owner, Nubia Solano, is a lover of ecstatic dance herself and wants to bring it to her gorgeous venue. Nubia will host and I will bring my DJ skills, spinning a dynamic arc stretching far and wide over the world’s musical map. Move and groove from 4-6pm and stay for dinner afterward.

Check out the great menu at www.babaluu.com.

I am available to DJ other events that would like a mix of music from around the world and/or classic funk, rock and contemporary rhythmic sounds.



Jennis CD launch set for May 30th!


Dennis Gaumond and I, hereafter known as Jennis, will be releasing our debut CD The Current, on FridayMay 30, 2014.

Our party will be held at The Monarch Tavern at 12 Clinton, between Dundas and College. The cool old bar has been serving Little Italy in Toronto since 1927 and it has character galore.

The lovely and talented Evalyn Parry will open with a solo set and we are delighted to have groovemeister Vince Maccarone playing drums and Gary Diggins playing trumpet.

Mark the date and come celebrate spring along with our new beginnings!

Cover $15 or $25 with a copy of the 12-song CD.

Listen to a SNEAK PREVIEW!

Newly christened “Jennis”, are set to release the new album May 30th!

When long-time Toronto indie-scene bassist Jen Gillmor picked up the cello and joined forces with the newest creative incarnation of consummate blues musician Dennis Gaumond, Jennis was born. The duo tickles ears with an uncommon sonic blend of vocals, electric, acoustic and resophonic guitars, custom-tuned harmonicas, cello, didgeridoo, flutes, jawharp and percussion. Songs celebrate the mysteries and poignancies of life, rooted in a faith in peace and love as the highest power.

These are tracks from the as yet unreleased new album,“The Current”, by Dennis Gaumond and Jen Gillmor, collectively known


as Jennis. Look out for the whole 12-song release as of late spring 2014! Pre-orders will be available via Bandcamp in coming weeks.

The Toronto launch will be at The Monarch Tavern on Friday, May 30th. We are working on booking a Guelph release in early June. Sign up

to the mailing lis

t on the Contact page if you would like to keep informed as details unfold.

Thanks so much to Tom Wolf  and  Vince Maccarone  for drums and percussion and to Gary Diggins for sizzling horn parts.

Recorded at Smith & Dragoman Studios in Guelph, Ontario and in Jen Gillmor’s bedroom, Toronto over fall and winter 2013. Drums recorded by Nik Tjelios at Eccodek Studios, Guelph. Mixed by Dennis and Jen. Soon to be mastered!

See the Audio page in order to enjoy a sneak preview of two unmastered tracks.

Hired as Composer-Sound Designer for New Play by Maja Ardal.

I have been asked to create music and sound design for Her2, a new play by Maja Ardal and directed for Nightwood Theatre by Kim Blackwell. Sound designing Wild Dogs in 2008 was an exhilarating creative experience for me and I’m happy to have another opportunity to work on a Nightwood production. With a background in theatre (I majored in drama at the University College Drama Program, UofT) it feels like a sort of coming home to bring my musical and sound skills to the theatre.

I have enjoyed Maja Ardal in action in her  plays You Fancy Yourself  and The Cure for Everything. She is an outstanding talent and I have no doubt this play, about a breast cancer drug trial, will be equally wonderful.

The play will preview next January.

Another gig with Anna Gutmais

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be playing bass (and maybe cello) with fab singer-songwriter-pianist Anna Gutmanis at Hugh’s Room on Tuesday, February 11th!

I enjoyed playing at Anna’s CD release party at C’est What last year and look forward to hearing the new tunes we’ll be playing at this gig. I always love the opportunity to play Hugh’s Room. Come and enjoy a great dinner along with fine musical entertainment!

More Euphoria, January 24 at Yoga Village

EuphoriaWe had such a good time in our first Euphoria incarnation that we’re doing it again! Warm the body & soul with acoustic and electronic sounds ranging from world grooves to psychedelic soul. We bring the glow of peace through sonic meditations.

Gary, Dennis and Jen will be combining our spirits and musical skills to create a heartful tapestry of improvised sound for you to move and groove to. We will be experimenting with some electronic vibes using rhythmic loops and otherworldly sounds along with sounds from all over this beautiful world. In his incomparable style, Gary will welcome you and guide us all into meditative moods that will feed the soul in this chilly season as we move through darkness and introspection toward the lighter days.

$20 or PWYC

Film Score Complete

I’ve been immersed in one of my favourite activities — creating musical scoring for a film. It is an autobiographical documentary by Jonathan Perlman following his quest for spiritual meaning in his life. It’s all the more rewarding doing this creative work when I love the film as much as I do this one. Congrats, Jonathan! I’m sure this doc will see many viewers and will post when and where you can see it.

Bhadra Blue album ready for mixing!

We’ve recorded all our parts for the new 12-song album and are beginning the mixing stages. I am so excited about this collection and am chomping at the bit for the gigging Dennis and I will be doing upon his return from Costa Rica in the spring viagra super active. I’ll post a couple sneak previews soon.

Euphoria: music, movement & meditation with Gary Diggins, Dennis Gaumond & Jen Gillmor

  • Euphoria
    Winter approaches and we warm the body & soul with sounds ranging from world grooves to psychedelic soul. We bring the glow of peace through sonic meditations.Gary, Dennis and I will be combining our spirits and musical skills to create a heartful tapestry of sound for you to move and groove to. We will be experimenting with some electronic vibes using rhythmic loops and otherworldly sounds along with sounds from all over this beautiful world. In his incomparable style, Gary will welcome you and guide us all into meditative moods that will feed the soul in this chilly season as we move into darkness and introspection.$20 or PWYC

240 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6R 1L3