Bhadra Blue Album in Creation Process
Dennis Gaumond and I are in the thick of laying down tracks for our first release as the duo Bhadra Blue. He plays electric and acoustic guitar, dobro, harmonicas, native flute and sings lead. I play cello, didgeridoo and sing back-up. Tom Wolf and Vince Maccarone are coming in to record some percussion. We hope to have it finished by fall and begin to book gigs all over southern Ontario. I will be so happy to get back to regularly entertaining live audiences! I had promised myself when I began working on my solo album that I would take no gigs that required homework or rehearsal until the album was out in the world. I have made a few acceptions to this rule but have basically stuck to the plan.
I am also beginning work on creating a set of material for solo cello that I look forward to presenting live. This will probably take me well into the fall so there won’t be much on my Gig page for a while yet. But then watch out — I’ll be hounding you to come out and have a listen!
Warm and Fuzzy Album Launch

Thanks to Carmel Clark for capturing a moment from my very warm and fuzzy album launch April 24, 2013.
Thank you so much to all those who came and made for a real warm and fuzzy vibe at Motel in Toronto last night. I officially launched High Road Haven. Thank you for understanding that I wanted to celebrate in your midst rather than busy myself being the evening’s entertainment. I’m just not used to thinking of myself as a solo performer. But after playing a couple numbers last night and feeling really good about it, I’m ready to make a push to create a whole set and book a gig to perform it at. Stay tuned! (Go to the Contact page and sign up on my mailing list if you want to know the where and when.)
CD Launch Party! Wednesday, April 24th
I invite all my Toronto peeps to join me in a celebration of my album’s release at Motel,1235 Queen Street W (in Parkdale between Gwyne and Elm Grove) from 7:30-10:30. I will play solo cello but mostly, we’ll have my album playing as we share a toast and enjoy a schmooze. A great excuse to come out and drink to spring, as well as the birth of my baby, High Road Haven!
Off to Victor Wooten’s Bass-Nature Camp Next Week!
My friend Oriana and I are hitting the road to Tennessee for Grammy-award-winning Victor Wooten’s Bass-Nature Camp next week. I needed to serve myself up with a new adventure. Really looking forward to getting a little injection of skills and inspiration.
High Road Haven on iTunes!
My debut solo album, High Road Haven, is now available for digital download on iTunes!
Thank you for your pre-orders!
I mailed all the pre-orders out today. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you again. I hope so much that you enjoy the music and I invite you to input your comments here at jengillmormusic.ca.
High Road Haven ready for Pre-order!
Thank you so much to all those who have pre-ordered High Road Haven, my first solo album! Anyone else who would like to order one can go to Bandcamp to do so. Proceeds are going to pay for manufacturing of the cd which will be done by April 1st. I will mail you a copy hot off the press and meanwhile you can download 4 of the 11 tracks for your listening pleasure. By then this temporary site will be replaced by a snazzy new one. Stay tuned!