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iTUNES Bandcamp
release date
30 May 2014

Jennis: The Current 2014

When I picked up the cello and joined forces with the newest creative incarnation of award-winning blues musician Dennis Gaumond, Jennis was born. We tickle ears with an uncommon sonic blend of vocals, electric, acoustic and resophonic guitars, custom-tuned harmonicas, cello, didgeridoo, flutes, jawharp and percussion. Songs celebrate the mysteries and poignancies of life, rooted in a faith in peace and love as the highest powers.

Thanks so much to Tom Wolf and Vince Maccarone for drums and percussion and to Gary Diggins for sizzling horn parts.

Recorded at Smith & Dragoman Studios's in Guelph, Ontario and in my bedroom, Toronto over fall and winter 2013. Drums recorded by Nik Tjelios at Eccodek Studios, Guelph. Mixed by Dennis and Jen. Mastered by Noah Mintz at The Lacquer Channel.

  1. Unbelievable!!!!! Can’t wait til May 30th!

  2. Looking forward to the evening in June. Great sound!
    Wondering if Dennis Gaumond is Dennis Gomo from Guelph?
    Similar voice and great folk blues melodies.

    • Hi Cathy. Yes, it is the same Dennis! Hope you’ll come to our launch either in Toronto or Guelph!


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